Friends of Hillside
Mission Statement
FRIENDS OF HILLSIDE: A multi-generational group of people dedicated to support and enrichment of early childhood education at Hillside, a high-quality early childhood center in Southeast Austin, operating in a childcare desert and exceeding expectations. We will raise funds and awareness while sharing of our time, talent and treasure to enrich and alleviate the pressures of operating a year-round, full-day school taking babies from 6 weeks old and graduating students who are ready for school and life.
Why Hillside? Hillside Early Childhood Center -in a short 6 years of existence, they survived the pandemic which shuttered many daycares, they are award-winning and acknowledged as best in class, and have 20% of students on scholarship, they are in a childcare desert. Hillside currently has 90 students (with 175 families on the waitlist), and has future potential to grow to 120 student capacity.
Donate today by clicking on the “Give Now” button below. If you prefer to mail a check, please make the check payable to Hillside ECC and mail it to:

Hillside Early Childhood Center
Attn: Friends of Hillside
P.O. Box 140244
Austin, TX 78714
Another great way to support Hillside Early Childhood Center is to check out the school’s wishlist. From classroom essentials to creative supplies, you can help by sending items to the school from home! Just click the link below to see what is needed — every item makes a big difference!
Founding Members

- Elizabeth Adams
- Stanford Adams
- Gabe Anderson
- Taylor Bowles
- Carol Burdette
- Jennifer & Chuck Campbell
- Bill & Polly Davies
- Rebecca Davis
- Susan & Tommy Dawson
- Natasha De Masi
- Leslie Easterling
- Marianna Elskes
- Sara Feulner
- Tyrrell Flawn
- Marion Forbes
- Karen Fuller
- Good Shepherd Episcopal School
- Anna & Reg Hargrove
- Clarke Heidrick
- Callie Hester
- Natalie Hudson
- J.Parker & Paula Jameson
- Anne & Tim Jarvis
- Lori Johnson
- Will Jones
- Temp Keller
- Jill Kraft
- Carol Marin
- John McFarland
- Lisa McMinn
- Brennan & Sarah Mittal
- Hunter Norris
- Amy Paddock
- Mary Emma Partain
- John Pieratt
- John Pitts
- Nancy Pollard
- Emily Price
- Sarah Queen
- Rachel Rehwinkel
- Robin Shepherd
- Jessica Sherrets
- Brannon Smith
- Michelle Strauss
- Kathy Terry
- Sarah Teten
- Pam Uglietta
- Shannon Wardlaw
- Jill Wade
- Julia Whitsitt
- Pamela Willeford
- Suzanne Wolfrom
- Holly Wukasch
Join Us!
Friends of HillsideHillside Helpers
Teacher Appreciation
Junior Volunteers
Ready to join or interested in learning more? Submit your information by clicking the “Membership & Interest” button below!